Wednesday, April 12, 2006

2. Dimensions, levels, abilities, talents

Dimensions levels, abilities and talents. 23.03.06

I want to describe Gods Creation in terms of our abilities and talents. In terms of levels and dimensions. I need a word …but because I am just a human, Ross, and I am about to describe something dramatic, I don’t know what to call it. Creation Hierarchy sounds too stuffy. Some I know would call it another Rossism…
I am adding this sentence later…when I started this I had no idea where it would go. So lets treat it as a discussion paper, email me your comments. But I have no doubts as to where the thoughts come from. I love this stuff….

Take your mind please to consider a simple vertical window pane, a plane with raindrops sliding down a window.You could bet on who reaches the bottom first. One thing is sure, they cant of their own will, go any other way.
Then in another scenario, a couple of dots gliding round a sheet of paper.
Whats the difference?
It’s the gravity pulling the raindrops, but they have no choice. Its down or down.
But the dots on the paper, they are not pulled to their earth nature by gravity like the raindrops, but in our scenario they can go every which way but down. Much more fun. If down is not your thing…
So now can we imagine if the dots could also dive down into the depths of the paper.
That would be ok if they could also rise again. But they cant , they don’t have that sort of a nature.
So then we get the super cousins of the dots that can skid around the paper, dive down to some depth, rise again and keep on rising into the ether. Wow ! Just like the Olympics, or the Commonwealth Games we have on at the moment. Have you seen those athletes?
But then we invent time. Everything they all did before, they have to be home for lunch.
Everything everyone does from now on is controlled by time. “ Don’t be late now, oh you are taking forever to type this, you have to be quicker, or speak more slowly so we can understand you.” Or you the reader are skipping to the bottom to see where this is going: We are bound by time.
So on we go, when we find the dot family can make a difference by going backwards in time, and the dinner they were late for is now early. But they are upstaged by these other rellies who can go outside time and for them everything done is not relevant to has beens or will does, ( is that dos or doos?) They can see all time as a sphere rather than a straight line, the future does not specifically separate it from the past. Without these restrictions they can get on with something more important.
Like, where do you go from here. The problem is, we are limited by our imagination…
But we know about microscopes, right? Along comes Danny who can see inwardly. He looks inwardly to focus on the smallest details. He sees inside the molecular structure, it’s quite easy for him really because it comes naturally to his type. He focuses inwardly and sees the electron clouds, the protons, the quarks, and for him there is no mystery, its just very beautiful how one can see order in all of the creation he observes. Nothing is hid from him in his inward focussing vision, except…
Flossy has another talent: She is not limited to seeing inside just one molecule at a time, she looks and sees into all the molecules she wants to. Absolute billions at a time, and that’s just by looking at her fingernail. She has what I would call poly micro vision.
Flossy has a cousin, Amanda who has all of the above talents as well as being able to see telescopically. She can look out into space and see the most amazing detail on planet Alpha, also planet Zeta and any other planet you like to mention. One AT ATIME.
Of course along comes Frederik K Smartypants who has poly telescopic vision, isn’t he just the biggest pain?
The thing is with these guys, they are different from us. We humans are limited by perspective. The farther away things are, the smaller they look. Isnt that funny?
You might think, its easier for us simple folk. Frederik K sees everything in real size, he doesn’t see it diminishing as it gets further away. Now that is really getting things into perspective as we might say. Isnt our language so limited?
Along come these other guys now, maybe we could describe them as from another place. But in reality they are not affected by place, they can crawl around, walk through walls, fly around anywhere they like without being impeded by stuff, what we call matter. Not for them molecules and planets. These Spirituals are independent of all matter. Not even limited by time nor the speed of light. Free Spirits , we could call them… sounds familiar, I am sure Ive heard of that lot somewhere…
They of course have cousins too. These are they who are the Spirits of renown, from the bible , we’ve all heard of this lot. They can waltz around in the spirit world, then on command, or without even that if they are naughty enough, take on the form of a lower, er, form. Like humans. Poor old Jacob wrestled all night with one of these guys, if he only knew, he wouldn’t have kept going surely. Like the odds were stacked, right?
They can come and go in more than one world, how clever is that? They are neither limited to heaven nor earth.
And the good bit is as far as I am concerned, is those from the spirit world are not subject to the speed of light! Scientists at the top of the heap, think the speed of light is the be all and end all. That nothing can exceed that. But they haven’t reckoned with the spirit being, namely Braddy and others…
Our scientists think everything is governed, is subject to the speed of light. But Braddy Angel can appear instantaneously anywhere . Remember when Satan tempted Jesus on top of the pinnacle, thousands of angels could have appeared on demand to save him if he threw himself off the top. They would have arrived in mid fall. They are where they want to be, when they want, how they want. They don’t seem to have to come very far, have you connected with that verse “The kingdom of God is within you”…..They are the original www before world wide webs. Where , when and want.
Have we exhausted it yet? We must not forget who controls these fellows. And who interferes:
Satans power is so great, I think we need to recognise that he probably, on performance, deserves his own level. It is so great that the battle with God started yonks ago..( that saves me spelling out the age of the earth), and will continue for yonks to come. The battle is in every human that ever was, every angel, and in even the Son of God.
Do you think he has an effect on God? Not so much as in being tempted, but certainly he has nuisance value.
Which brings us to the Creator himself. Top shelf , all abilities, creator of all, not subject to any law of the land, any law of physics, chemistry, dimensions, power, energy, spirit, because he created all that. Who creates : writes the rules. Good motto. And everything else is subject to Him. Another good motto.
But . God is who he is.
”I AM” .
“Tell them the I AM has sent you”.
And He is something else. GOD IS LOVE. (! John epistle) In the beginning , there was God . And God is love.
Can you imagine, Love as a physical power which can do more than faith even , which if it existed as a grain of mustard seed could MOVE mountains. Love sufficient to create something. Love as a grain of mustard seed ( meaning its not really physical) could create, no, has created everything you have ever seen, everything Frederik K has ever seen, everything Satan has ever seen, and believe you me he hasn’t missed much, and , everything God has ever seen, and felt, and touched, and heard , and…how many senses do you think God has?
Love, I believe , is what God is , in one word. If we ever want to know what God would do, or appreciate, in any given circumstance, think…what would Love do or expect.
God created us in his image. He put into man and woman and all those higher forms the ability to love. Even the ability of love to create life in our own images in making love, can you see that, but that’s another story for another time as they say?
1Cor 13 talks about love. Love makes reality out of nothing. You know the saying, only a mother could love it.? Some people elicit love and you wonder why. “ Tho I had all this and that, without love, I am nothing. Sort of. What I am saying is , God made us to be able to understand his creation without any great brains or ability. All we need is love. But if we delve and seek, I believe the concept of Love will stand up to the delving and seeking of every level and dimension, every science and math, every power and imagination we have.
And if this is that I have described is the hierarchy of Gods creation , or something like it, I like to think that Gods truth will out, I want to encourage healthy thinking. I think we can not exhaust the truth of God . Nor His Love.
You might find other levels you can visualise. But I think we should allow for surprises, for things we can not yet imagine.
“ For one day we shall be like him”. We can not hope to imagine what it is like, the kingdom of heaven. But we can look forward with HOPE.
Hope is very much the underdone rellie of Faith and Love (Charity). Let me think about it…Email me your thoughts..
Ross. I love love.


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