Thursday, June 08, 2006

96. Time no more no more shall be...

Time no more

According to scripture, there is a beginning of things and a time before the beginning.
An end to things and a time beyond the end. Which makes it not time.
We understand time as a linear function, a line A to Z if you like.
I think Gods time is different. I think his time is multi-dimensioned, or even spherical to use a parable.
So that from any point in time to any other point He can jump across.
He knows what will be before it happens, and is not bound by linear function. How weak we are compared with the Spirit world that we are bound by the laws of forward linear time and then only to experience time for 100 years or less.
But we probably begin and then end life in a timeless state. Maybe we then join the Spirits in spherical time? Maybe in that state we lose interest in what is happening in our old world.
When we think of eternity I guess most would think of time without end, year after year.
That could make a lot of lawns to mow, a lot of meals to prepare, metaphorically speaking, yes?
But wouldn’t eternity be more like a spherical time where there is no beginning, no end, no middle, no passage of time, no passing of years but an existence beyond that value system?
No before, after, since , becauses, consequences, ageing, ….I cant really imagine it .


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