Wednesday, June 14, 2006

106. They thought he was the gardener

Face to Face……(F2F)

I don’t do that so well.
I can never speak in public, I crack up. I Feel horribly exposed.
So I do better on the blog.
Not that anything I do is so fantastic but it is an outlet for my emotion , whereas my emotion outlets itself in my public speaking. You will never hear me preaching, short of a miracle happening. But then…Paul did an about turn didn’t he?

So I am a bit left field.
If you want what they call a mature Christian site, there are plenty out there. But for me, they get obsessed with non biblical language and non English language so it is barely possible to understand them.
Anyway, this is about real life. Which is why I do the odd article about something which is neither science nor religion.
But isn’t that the essence of life?
Everything is science or religion one way or another maybe.

Jesus tended to be left field also…..He threw in a bolt from nowhere often enough.
This really tried the religious masters of the day, but he despised the Pharisees with their religious zeal.
( At school they wrote on my report card that I had zeal. Our school motto was “with zeal and honour”. Now I think it is called “obsessive-compulsive disorder from DSM 1V”)
My friend P says he thinks God isn’t so worried about a few little indiscretions..adulteries he called them actually, as he is about a religious fervour for religions sake, as in how he hated the Pharisees. Interesting comment…?

When people met Jesus face to face he didn’t come across as God in the flesh.
Or as a minister, a rabbi or a “holier than thou” person .
They thought he was the gardener that Sunday morning which we know as the first Easter. And he had the choice of any garment imaginable, his clothes were supplied by the angels. ( What a lovely concept for a clothes shop…)
Yet on Easter Sunday 2000 years on, if I dressed like the gardener, my lot might say…..”..couldn’t you be a bit more reverent for such a day?”

As a young man, they saw him as a carpenter. As the Son of God couldn’t he have come across a little more reverently?

On the cross he was identical to the thieves and murderers.
Wasn’t it possible he could have looked more like God personified?

So my friend M has been made to feel guilty about wearing ungodly raiment to the fellowship meeting……where are we looking when we see our clothing as having a godly label when in actual fact it might say Pierre Cardin, Burberry or Target?
Or 100% pure new wool?

I am not against nice clothes. But when I stopped going to the fellowship meeting, my loss seemed to be the opportunity to get dressed up in designer labels, nice suit, tie etc.
But M felt he was not upper middle class and it was a sin dressing as such to have fellowship with a classless society.

So who am I? Clothes define the man. So it is said.
But do clothes define the Christian?

Maybe they do if you are Salvation Army, or C of E Grammar School.
But I and most others will continue to wear nice clothes as a mark of respect.
But is it a wedding garment? (Referring to the parable where the garment was provided by the bridegroom, presumably for uniformity and control? )

So as I say, I don’t present well face to face.
I dress well, but I am all over the place conversationally, left field.
And not always the high moral ground but I’m working on it.

And I have been mistaken for the gardener, and the carpenter, instead of the Landlord.
And that amuses me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clothes don't matter much. We are naked before God anyway. He even sees all those gucky inner organs working ... which is hidden from other eyes by a layer of not so unpleasant skin! And He sees the inner workings of our heart .... so that's naked too. Our only clothing is the "wedding garment" ... supplied by the Lamb of God, a proxy righteousnes that covers ourhuman inadequacies -the goodness we acquire when we love Jesus because He is our Saviour.
He justifies us because He has taken our punishment for us, (born our stripes) so we are free of debt and covered by mercy and fogiveness.
Our natural talents (and some we acquire because of this New Life inside us)are channelled into new and varied paths of usefulness for God. Like the many different roles of the different parts of the body - the eye cannot do what the hand does and vice versa, but each needs the other - all work together to make a functioning, healthy Whole.
missus r

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