Tuesday, July 04, 2006

138. Number of Christ = 888

This is similar to the Bush blog below:

More hindsight I think...ask the dog, Ross's dog, did you read his comment on 137.?

Explanation of Page 1480 and the Names:

This graphical illustration may seem rather complex at first, but it is designed to make these correlations much more apparent than words alone could describe. A picture is worth a thousand words. An explanations follows below, which elaborates the various highlights.

The numeric values assigned each Greek letter are standard. (See chart listing these values.)

These word definitions come from the original New Testament Greek as they appear in Zodhiates' Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament. The numbering of words is according to James Strong's standard numbering as found in Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.

Editorial comments are [in brackets]. This particular find is one of the most compelling, if not the most compelling cases discovered so far to show that the number of words and even the pagination is no mistake with the Lord -- though human authors, type-setters, and publishers have absolutely no intention to create these line-ups when formatting their work. This is impossible to ascribe to anyone but God, of whom it magnificently testifies.

Highlights and Further Explanations:

Word 888, the number of Jesus, means "one who is set aside and is no longer useful," or "useless," which certainly fits how he was received by the Jews: a stone being rejected by the builders. (This will be discussed at more length below.)

The word two after 888 in Hebrew means, "a bad, useless plant."

The numeric sum of the letters spelling Messiah in Hebrew is 358. Word 358 in Greek lists one synonym: "(3474), useless."

Word 888 etymologically derives in part from the very first word listed alphabetically, (1) or alpha.

An antonym of word 888 is the very last, or omega word, 5624, which means "helpful."

The word Jesus (sum 888) comes from the Hebrew Yeshua, which means, "Jehovah his help."

The word chreia (#5532) is on p. 1480 of Zodhiates

chreia is the etymological root of achreios, word 888.

888 is the sum of the numeric values of the letters which spell I‘sous – Jesus.

The word prior and the word after Christos (alphabetically Christianos "Christian," and chrio, "anointed," respectively) relate to an antonym and a derivative word which are numbered very close to 1480.

The word Christianos refers to the antonym, word number 1482

The word chrio refers to the derivative word 1472

Both 1482 and 1472 are very close to 1480, validating the idea that words alphabetically in the vicinity of a word can be highly pertinent to that word.

The spelling of Christ is equated with 1480

Page 1480 is where word 5532 is found. Word 5532 is the etymological root of word 888; and 888 is equated with the spelling of Jesus, linking the word Christ and the word Jesus.

The connection between the word Christ and the number 1480 is given a second and third witness by the words before and after the word Christ, which both refer to a word with a number very close to 1480.

Also in Zodhiates', the word Christos itself comes on page 1483 – very close to 1480.

The connection between word 5532 on page 1480 along with its etymological equivalent 888 and the word Jesus is given a second witness by the Hebrew definition of Jesus, "Jehovah his help," and the antonym of word 888, "helpful" (5624).

Hence an undeniable link is forged between the word Jesus and the word Christ through the alphabetical and paginal arrangement of the word of God, listed alphabetically. Only God could have devised such a witness.

Necessary & Sufficient: The word Christos, whose sum is 1480, links to the word chreia, "necessity," which falls on page 1480 in Zodhiates' NT Greek lexicon. The word alphabetically just after Iesous (Jesus) is hikanos, "sufficient." Hence proving by these word and number associations that Jesus Christ is both necessary and sufficient: the quintessential scientific maxim.

This find is but one of hundreds such discovered so far.

Jesus Christ in ASCII Code

Click here for ASCII code letter-number key.

J = 74
E = 69
S = 83
U = 85
S = 83
[space] = 32
C = 67
H = 72
R = 82
I = 73
S = 83
T = 84

Remember, from above, that the numeric sum of the number values of the letters that spell Iesous in Greek is 888. The number 887 is just one removed from 888. This provides a strong validation of the principle of Alphabetics that considers the applicability of words in the vicinity of the one you are looking at.

[3/19/99] To see how this ASCII code works, I entered ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. A is 65, B IS 66, etc. The sum of all the letters of the alphabet (in caps) is 2015.

Out of curiosity, I looked up word number 2015 in Zodhiate's "Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament" (Greek), and found that the one antonym (opposite) word listed is word number "(666), absence."

By the way, the primary antonym of word 666 is 3952, "coming; (II) A technical term used of the coming of Christ; (III) Of the coming or manifestation of the man of sin."

So, there must be something to this code, for it coincides with a Bible Code and testifies of Christ and against anti-Christ. The very alphabet (the word) is the opposite of 666.

This discovery is along the lines of the first word of the Hebrew being "ab, father" ab being aleph, bet or alphabet !!

Commentary About Debt, 888 and Uselessness:

The dichotomy of how man views things versus how God sees things is classically represented in word number 888. The root word, chreia means "one who owes a debt; necessity, need." You would think, therefore, that achreios (888) – where a means "without" – ought to mean, "one who is debt-free, having all needs fulfilled."

But how does man define achreios? "Useless."

How does man control his fellow men? by debt, being beholden one to another, dependent upon one another: collusion, co-dependency. Satan has declared that "with gold and with silver will I raise up armies and navies, popes and priests, and reign with blood and horror on this earth." He uses wealth, and a lack thereof, to manipulate and control.

In contrast, what does God say? "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price" (Isa. 55:1). When we recognize that of ourselves we are less than the dust, when we see our bankruptness, and we turn to God with this broken heart and contrite spirit, then he fills us with his Holy Spirit. We are his, and his works are manifest through us. And Babylon has no use for us, for we are no longer beholden to our fellow men – no more strings to pull – for we places our trust foremost in God. Thus natural man came to define achreios, meaning, "one who does not owe a debt," as "useless." How fitting, therefore, that 888 is the number of Jesus. Suitably, the new toll-free telephone prefix in the United States is 888!

by Sterling D. Allan; Mapleton, Utah; August 25, 1998
Master plan and foreordained layout by God and his heavenly hosts


Blogger Jesus Andrus said...

I was looking for this kind of valuable information. Your article is really helpful for me. Thanks a lot.











3:28 pm  
Blogger Wesley Chapman said...

I was looking for this kind of valuable information.
Your article is really helpful for me. Thanks a lot.











4:52 pm  
Blogger Wesley Chapman said...

Wow, really impressive guide about the topic that I was looking for. Thank you so much for this awesome guide.


7:49 pm  
Blogger Wesley Chapman said...

Awesome article, I appreciate your efforts.


5:35 pm  
Blogger kuch bhi said...

Wow, really impressive guide about the topic that I was looking for. Thank you so much for this awesome guide.


8:04 pm  
Blogger Wesley Chapman said...

Awesome article, I appreciate your efforts.


5:49 pm  
Blogger Jesus Andrus said...

Awesome article, I appreciate your efforts.


5:50 pm  

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