Monday, July 10, 2006

145. Is Spirit faster than Light?

Modern physics confirms that there is matter, perhaps called "super-symmetric matter", which we can neither see nor detect because it is independent of the properties of electrons and electromagnetism. (The incredible story of Claude Vorilhon Rael includes a specific reference to metal in his book "The book which tells the truth". On the face of it, laughably, he was invited by an alien for a trip in a gravity-defying flying saucer. Crucially he reports the strict injunction not to travel wearing any metal, suggesting an electromagnetic connexion with the flying mechanism). In the "Super Unification Thory" of modern physics, super-symmetric matter is linked with the nature of gravity. The transmission of matter symmetry information is required by modern quantum theory to be instantaneous. Because super-symmetric matter contains none of the properties of electrons, electromagnetic waves cannot interact with it and we therefore cannot see it. But perhaps we can. People who dowse come across something called the Hartmann Grid. This is a series of lines around 2 metres apart which cover the whole earth upon which dowsing rods want to cross. The regularity of the lines suggests that there are wave interference effects which are being observed and that they may be gravitational, associated with the properties of mass. What is interesting is that some years ago a comet met its end crashing into Jupiter and then, dowsers reputedly observed a disturbance of the Hartman grid 45 minutes before the arrival of the light of the event. If that observation was correct, the information appeared to have traveled at faster than the speed of light.

On this hypothesis David Pinnegar has taken dowsing rods into the Pyramids of Egypt looking for a possible connexion between dowsing, mass and gravitational variations and/or waves. Inside the second pyramid, the Hartmann Grid observable outside was not observable inside, and dowsing lines inside the chamber at the centre suggested that "standing waves" were being observed associated with the mass of the pyramid. Standing wave phenonomae and lines corresponding with arrangement of local masses were observed also both at the Funerary temple near the Sphinx at at the massive temple of Karnac.

Gravitational waves do affect us: there are people who we call "lunatics" who are directly affected by the gravity of the moon. We see the water of the tides move too. We are ourselves 90% water - and our brains are equally full of it. The water molecule is physically and electrically lop-sided, imbalanced. As water molecules move, electrical charges move and interfere with other electrical charges moving in our brains. As our brains move charges, they move water molecules with them! So the effect of gravitational waves or local variations could be the mechanism by which dowsing phenonomae are observed.

The formerly incredible and intangible begins thus to have foundation in physics. Our ancient beliefs of what we were told at the beginning of time should be our foundation: departure from these is more likely to be an aberration of an imperfect science rather than an imperfection of what we were told. Our current science is incomplete.

When we meet the next messenger of our Creation, will we believe him when he is sent to tell us of things unseen now to us but seen in heaven? Will we recognise "the Son of man coming from the clouds"? Will we crucify him too? That which was inconceivable a couple of generations ago now seems possible and daily the scientists are proving creation to be true.


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