Thursday, April 13, 2006

5. Love is not a four letter word

Subject: love is not a four letter word

Ths is frm an email I posted recntly, sory abt th abbr styl....

Tonights subject is 1 Jn 4 and 5

This is a passion of mine, I love love.
I maintain that no human knows much more than the very basic level of love.
I have become convinced of the complicated way God has created his creation. And yet it works on the simplest of platforms as well as the most intricate studies can extricate. It works in nuclear physics, in childlike faith and in our everyday lives. I say that creation is not merely a 2-dimensional thing but exists on so many higher levels, or dimensions as they are called.
God himself is both imaginable as a godhead/ father, and also unimaginable in the levels beyond our human imaginings. He exists in childlike faith and in his being beyond the imaginings of any scientist. I know this.
Now, do you follow me so far?
God is love. 2 refs in these chapters, ch 4, vss 8 and 16.
Love exists in all these levels, we see it as a child,thru the glass darkly: the angels know more of it.
Gods knowledge of love and his ability to love is beyond our imagination , knowledge and ability. His love is something else as they say.
Gods love is greater than that faith described which, if it were a grain of mustard seed could do such stuff.
God is love. God is the creator. Love created the creation. Everything comes back to love.
Love is all there is out there...without love everything is nothing, these three, faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love.
Latest science cannot tell us that matter exists. There really is nothing but energy in various forms. E=mc2. ( Einstein) That means energy and mass are interchangeable.
Whether we come to knowledge thru Einstein or the bible, my vision and passion is that God is everything. He is present everywhere, there is nowhere we can escape from God.In the beginning was light, and love. He was that light. He is love. That initial Genesis primordial light is the prime energy of creation. That energy is love. God exists on so many complicated levels, but can we undestand this basic simplicity? Love is actually a 3 letter word. Starts with G..

So where I am going with this subject of Jn 4, 5 is:
How many ways can God exist in us?
Well, John lists 7 ways he can exist in us,in these 2 chapters. He lists levels of love . Why do we call all those things love? Like, do we have to love every one?Love is hard. Love is easy. Love is energy. Love is creative. Love never faileth. Wasnt God clever to use love to create us? All we have to do is rise with it to anywhere we love .(Yeah right...)
You can look them up, my study was a bit quick, you may , you will find different ways of looking at it. This is one of the many compound levels of the bible, its different every time we look at it and for every person also.
1 jn 4 v9 live thru the son
4.13 his spirit in us
12 and 16 dwell in love
ch5 v4 born of him
v6 blood of christ
5.11 eternal life which is his son
5.20 in him as in truth

That is 7 levels, 7 types , 7 ways in which God lives in those who live in him.
For those of us who love knowledge, this stuff is like a lolly shop.I wish I could understand more of it, and be able to glow in the dark with it.
I guess thats where the blood of Christ comes into it, washed as white as snow.
Long live love. May we aspire to the next level. Let us find this year, one higher level of love.

I wish I could type properly. Sorry.
Cheers, Ross


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ross,
Very good... and some real nice thoughts in this too... I haven't
tried reconciling my science with my faith like you have, so I'm glad
you are giving me some pointers!
You have rattled a few of my nuerones, which have been sleeping
since HSC Physics in 1977!! :-€0 !!
Yes, I like the thought that in the "other dimension there is no
matter, only energy"... LIGHT!! (Is light a recognised form of
energy? I forget...)
And of LOVE as a form of energy - powerful, creative, living!! Wow!
Nice thought!
Try writing that in your physics exam!!
"Forms of energy include kinetic, chemical, electrical, nuclear and
LOVE!!" :-) LOL!
Examiner Remarks; "another nutter...50%..."
Love created the creation.... That initial Genesis primordial light
is the prime energy of creation. That energy is love... <
Nice one! :-)
Long live love.
love Elijah

9:39 pm  

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