Wednesday, May 10, 2006

75. The science and religion of the dog, Ross's dog..

This Blog tries to 'marry' science and religion: while we are talking about religion,...

Somehow the dog, Ross's dog, has got thru the screen door and absorbs as lot of my posts. It is not that I like dogs so much. It is that he can often illustrate a point more succinctly than anything I could say.
A bit like a parable, a moral, or a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale. He brings me, and others , a lesson.
There is no plan when I write about what the dog says. I have no preconception of what the dog, Ross's dog, is going to say.
There is no dog. In reality.
But there is a dog.
He has a spirit. He exists in the fact that his 'existence' speaks from a mind of his own.

They are not my thoughts, in that I have never been party to the thoughts.I have never thought that I could think the thoughts the dog has thought, nor thought to think the type of thoughts that think the things the dog has thought.

I would say that I just type, and the words appear one by one, to my amazement at the perceived wisdom and succinctness of the dog.I sort of dont like to take the credit for what he says, or what he doesnt say but still manages to communicate.
Ive never written anything in my life. But the dog gives a flow, almost a talent, that I never had.
And I think it is a good thing.

So what is this dog thing then?
Is it a spirit, or a Spirit? Or something else?
Which begs the question, do dogs have a spirit?
But more importantly, do spirits have dogs?
I mean, if this were a spirit of a (wise) dog, does that spirit really exist?
Does a spirit exist without a body?
Well, of course, but can it be a dog's body?.......

Being a figment of my imagination, is it a familiar spirit, is it my alter-ego, or is it an invention of the devil?

Since the dog's advice has usually been pure and godly, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

What do you feel about the dog, Ross's dog?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ross …….. all those posts ….. great! No problem at all. And I tried to get to your blog but it took ages and then somehow it disappeared before I had finished reading. (Broad band newly arrived to our town and there are a few wrinkles in the system yet I think….. well… I know … Sometimes we lose it altogether.)

Think the dog perhaps left because he thought I had mixed feelings about him. I guess I did. He made me laugh. So I was sorry he’s gone. But then I wasn’t sure he should appear in certain places……with some things we have to take off our shoes because it is holy ground, and if our dogs are anything to go by, they don’t have much feeling about that………… they will certainly run irreverently on my freshly washed carport and sully that up with their careless, muddy feet.
On the other hand a wise dog should be ok on a blog about science vs religion ….(the science side?) We don’t have to be too serious, and I did enjoy the little asides.

Never mind ……. The real stuff is very absorbing ……… doesn’t really need any distractions. I could write lots but at this stage I don’t have time. …. So if I don;’t respond (and if I do dumb stuff and type badly) its because I am too busy and too tired ….. certainly not disinterested. When I said about all the possible theories and conjecture, I hope I did not sound impatient. Just to remind us that, in all the interested considering of this and that, our real purpose is to live the Truth, more than search out all its mysteries. Just a balancing up thing, Ok

I read a most interesting book a year or two ago - “Why 50 scientists believe the Creation Story”. The catastrophic flood was suggested there, maybe more than once. In fact all 50 essays were fascinating. It occurs to me that the Gwondalaland/Pan…. (whatever) theory about all the land being massed together and then drifting apart because of shifting of the plates ……….. well did that happen suddenly, dramatically and extensively at the time of the flood? The land masses being scattered in one almighty event, rather than slowly drifting apart over millions of years?

Anyway ,,,, I’ll keep reading … I seem to always find the time for that (but must confess its 5 a.m.! ) ……

11:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"These are not my thoughts.....etc." ... very clear!!
(Luv it ... larfed owt lowd)

as to the dog .... there are times when thoughts we didn't know we thunk ... just come rolling out ... things we know but didn't know we knew. If it is good it might be from God ... so listen! And remember Baalam was admonished by his ass .... God caused it to speak .... he can speak through any "vessel ...

12:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

6:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

6:50 am  

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