Sunday, May 07, 2006

67. E=mc2

Let me quote that correctly, E = m x c squared.
My keyboard doesnt seem to have a squared sign button. to Steve about that..
E = energy
m =mass
c = speed of light, in distance per time.

The way Einstein wrote it was m = E over c squared.
So what you say?

Ive just been listening to 10 eminent scientists explaining it.
I am not a scientist, so I will ask one of our rocket scientists to comment, you know who you are.

What Einstein was saying is that energy and mass are interchangeable.
But the way I read it, there is also an interchangeability between:
speed of light.

Now speed of light is TAKEN to be a constant.
C, the speed of light / or other energy / is distance per time.

So if we alter the distance over time, we alter the energy or the mass or both.
So if we conduct the experiment on a moving vehicle we alter the result. That is the basis of the theory of relativity.
So , the earth is spinning, right?
At a different speed at the poles than at the equator?
And the solar system is also moving?

So the whole thing is variable.
So when the speed of light is reduced, by a black hole syndrome, problems?
That is, that the escape velocity is exceeded by the effect of the mass of the planet/ star, is that right?

So if c = 0
the thing stops?

If time alters, energy / mass alters?
If the distance alters because we are moving, it all alters
If energy is interchangeable with mass, energy doesnt take up much space does it?

And maybe time did alter as the constants fell into place.

So in the beginning, Gen 1, the energy was LIGHT.
And it wasnt taking up space.

Then creation of matter began. Energy was changed into mass.

Perhaps this works for Christians to consider, God is Love. He was that energy, Light.
He was the Light of the world....quotations...
He became mass, he became creation.

He is omnipresent.
There is no place where God is not in it

I find it easy to believe that He is the energy of the universe.
And the mass.
It really all follows, yes?

I think I could go on to show that the energy of the atom is from the Holy Spirit.

Maybe Geoff or Elijah can rewrite the post to make sense?


Blogger geoff said...

Ross, i'm going to shock you and say, it makes good sense to me!! Now it's home time, ciao (and i'll aske the dog, G&L's dog who may be the doggy-world's Einstein, for all we know!)

5:47 pm  

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