Tuesday, August 01, 2006

157. Panentheist challenge : the heavyweights

Ross Gasking offering something stupid..to challenge the philosophers on their home ground

On 21/07/2006, at 10:21 PM, Zen Mirror wrote:

--- "Lulu Dong" wrote:
"There is only one identity which we all share."
It's the identity of god.

Hi socket,
Is this your idea?
I'm asking because your philosophy intrests me.
Tell me more!

Hello Lulu,
The idea is multipersonal and kind of old.
Multipersonal meaning various people have had the same idea ... old
meaning it has been around for centuries ...
Do you need examples?
At the core of our philosophy stands the idea that everyone is equal
with god before they are born and after they die. Thus our
conclusion is, everyone equals god during life also.
Of course this viewpoint is valid only if we regard god, pre-birth and
after-death as non-existential realities.
It means that as we die, we continue to live in the presence of all,
and before we are born we have lived in the presence of all. Thus,
we are responsible for everything because we are everything, god,
death, the devil, everything.
The omnipotent identity is like a mirror to us, no matter who is
looking into this mirror, each creature sees itself.
Thus, in the mirror each creature is connected to every other, the
mirror connects us all.
Does that make sense?

---"blue.phantom" wrote:

" No, there is only one form of consciousness, this is a
minimalistic approach to consciousness, there is only one
consciousness, artificial or not, and there is only one identity,
everyone shares this identity, with everyone else, robots with
humans, humans with animals, animals with insects, insects with

--- Robot Alpha 1 wrote:

All beings are present in the mirror.
The mirror is present in all beings.

That is totally wrong. Consider the scripture:

Phl 2:5
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Phl 2:6
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Phl 2:7
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

Phl 2:8
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Ross Gasking

A panentheist uses reason and logic to arrive at a theological concept,
not scriptures from any established religion. All these are just the
words of men and have no guarantee of truth beyond whatever subjective
interpretation the reader chooses to put on them. However empirical
evidence and logical reasoning do carry a degree of warranty.

Personally, the Judeo-Christian scriptures mean nothing to me except as
curious records of an ancient people's superstitions and beliefs, some
of great value but much that is totally worthless.. It's no good
bringing Xtian quotes here unless you can back them up with reason. Only
fellow Xtians will find them relevant.


Sorry, I had no idea where you were coming from:
What I have a problem with is in anyone comparing himself/ herself with God; when in actual fact God is present throughout the universe and our friend probably hasnt been out of her home state. Couldnt build a dog kennel let alone create the dog to go in it.
But I will meet your challenge if you like..: I can provide enough logic to satisfy the existence of Christ, regardless of history.
I came to this belief by logic, and I consider it my responsibility to share it.

My home site is www.science-vs-religion-christian-view.blogspot.com

Ross Gasking


I'd certainly endorse that.

OK, go for it. Your ideas are very welcome, but be ready for some
heavyweight logic in response............




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