Tuesday, April 25, 2006

35. Preaching the Gospel

Date: 23 April 2006 6:58:30 PM
To: Ross@8i.com
Subject: Preaching the Gospel

Here is what I just worked out:

Jesus sent out 70 apostles.
Here is what could happen today if 70 people took the Good News to 70 more people...:
4,900 people would hear the Gospel

Then those 4,900 people each tell 70 more, different people...:
343,000 people have then heard the good news.

Those 343,000 people each tell 70 people who have not heard it before...:
24,010,000 people have then heard the Gospel....

24,010,000 people tell another 70 people each, and...
1,680,700,000 people have heard the Gospel.

Do you know, that is exactly how many computers there are in the world today.
So, what are you waiting for. Go ye out in to all the world...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only it were that easy....

8:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ross: those are some awesome figures...we need to do something to reach out to others these days. I think our ranks are thinning. Did y ou get your cd?

6:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I don’t know about preaching the gospel …… hope to live it, ….well…. at least show the love….and offer my own experience as the reason for my faith.
I’m always scared of running ahead of God. Remember the subject we had not long ago about the Israelites crossing over the River Jordan ?…. They were to follow the ark …. and to keep a proper, respectful distance ….not to run ahead ……. which had the effect of restraining the excitement they must have all felt and preventing a mad, disorderly and potentially dangerous, stampede into the promised land. Can you imagine the chaos of thousands of people charging in a frenzy of excitement through the river Jordon? So…… I try to exercise some caution and restraint, and follow God’s lead.

11:11 am  

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