Saturday, April 22, 2006

29. Why are we confused?

Schools dont support the bible
The press carries popular opinion
7 day creation sounds ridiculous
No one has seen God
Scientists are not agreed on theory
Theology writings are too hard to read
Science ditto
Fashion doesnt favour God

anyone want to add to the list?
Ruth, do your lot have any comments to share?


Anonymous Anonymous said... reason we are confused is because people don't need to believe in God.... that is: in a sense people don't need God, so they don't need to have faith in Him, they don't need to believe:

we have built such a complex infrastructure, have developed such a range of services for ourselves ...all our needs are anticipated and catered for.Whatever troubles us in the future, we have arranged for some solution to the problem. We leave nothing to chance and so we don't have to rely on God's beneficence, or God's intention or intervention! WE have insurance for everything, worker's compensation,superannuation and old age pensions, in fact social welfare and charities to take care of any and every financial hardship, we have lawyers for when we can't agree, we have police for our protection (? - well, don't we? )hospitals and ambulance crews if we are sick or have an accident,we have the State Emergency Service, Workplace Health and Safety, The Defence Forces in case we are invaded, the right to vote and regular elections to prevent us being saddled with undesirable rulers ..... we look after ourselves and have control of our own lives .... we have forgotten how to put our lives in God's hands ... and afraid to risk it. We have machinery, electricity, computers .... you name it... faithful (?) servants designed to never let us down.!
We are occupied with this life and material things ... why would we need and unseen (and therefore unbelievable) God?

12:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are like the peopel of Babel ... intent on building an infrastructure that anticipates and caters for every need and eventuality .... we are intent on attaining that high goal of a heaven of our own, on earth .....God is, for many of us, forgotten and unnecessary.
Man partook of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil .... he did not partake of the Tree of Life, (which was allowed) so he lacked the moral strength and wisdom to make act responsibly and properly about his knowledge of good and evil? ...lady r

9:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the reason we are confused is that we have eaten of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.We can philosophise ad nauseum - "forever learning, but never coming to an understanding". Also each of us has limited knowledge, we cannot learn all there is to know, our knowledge of science is limited and our knowledge of God's Word is limited ... so we keep coming up with wrong conclusions and our "wisdom" leads us into a maze.

After "the Fall of Man" the path to the Tree of Life was blocked by an angel with a sword is passable now only through Jesus ... the Way)... lady r

10:05 am  

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