Tuesday, April 18, 2006

25. Ross's dog on google

Dogs go to heaven.....I was just googling my site to see if it has arrived yet.
Guess what I found....someone called Ross whose dog is going to heaven
.No this isnt me, nor is it the famous dog, Ross's dog.
Actually I'm not telling him either, it might go to his head...


Ross Allen Johnson, The Best Dog That Ever Lived!
Home | Ross's Death | Ross's Many Friends | Ross's story Part 1 | Ross's Story Part 2 | Ross's Story Part 3 | Ross's Story Part 4 | Is there any wonder? | Saturday was Jeep Day | Random Recollections | Do dogs go to Heaven? | Conclusion | How is Grandpa doing? | A Beautiful Gift | Contact Me
Do dogs go to Heaven?

Do dogs go to heaven? Of course they do!

Dogs are just as much individuals as are humans. There is something inside each and every doggy that gives him a distinct personality. Whatever that part inside them may be, it is NOT flesh and blood. Can that part of them really cease to exist? The body dies, but that spirit that dwells inside lives on.

We can read in Genesis where God intended for man AND animals to live forever in harmony with one another. It was only after sin entered the world that death came to animals and to man. The first animals ever to die are the ones whose skins God used to make clothing for Adam and Eve.

I believe the Garden of Eden was actually Heaven on earth, and the animals would have lived forever, if man had not sinned. If there were animals in the Heaven that once existed on earth, then why would there not be animals in the next Heaven?

Isaiah 11:6,7

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox."

I am no Bible scholar, but it sure sounds to me like animals will be restored, during the Millennial Reign of Christ, to the status they had in the Garden of Eden, so why would they not also be included in Heaven?

Is it conceivable that creatures with the capacity to give such unconditional love would NOT have a God given spirit inside them that lives on? Can flesh and blood alone produce this great love?

I know that my Puppy is waiting for me in Heaven. I know that I will be with him eternally. I thank God for this great consolation.

That was another Ross and another dog. As anon said, rong ross and rong dog.
I hope that clears up the confusion.



Blogger Ross said...

See Post 83 also

6:48 pm  

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