Tuesday, April 25, 2006

36. Meet Angelo

Blog: Good Morning Angelo, tell us about yourself.
Angelo: I am an angel from yonder.
Blog: Well for starters, why are you called Angelo, that's an Italian name. How can that be?
Angelo: I see you have an enquiring mind, Blog. That's worth points where I come from. Well I haven't always been Angelo, like before I was put out I had a Hebrew name, but Angelo has stuck.
Blog : But you are a real messenger now, what? How did you get back?
Angelo: We just have 2 words for that in our tongue.
Blog: Yes?
Angelo: Mmmm. Mercy and Grace. Does most stuff for us. See, I got put out but I got let back in. Good behaviour sort of. We have just one word to explain that in our language, it might be a bit heavy for you...
Blog: Is it " goodworks"?
Angelo: Funny guy here fellas. No , it is "Repentance". So I did that , and I'm in like Flynn.
Blog: But the Angelo bit?
Angelo: When I left the fold , I went to California. We up here call it Cali PORN ia. Well I am named after the city , LA.
Blog: City of the angels?
Angelo: Unfortunately, but that is where we used to hang out.
Blog: Hang?
Angelo: Figure of speech. Yours , not mine.
Blog: So what are you doing here, Angelo?
Angelo: I'm on a mission. I'm in charge of a promotion. We have to hit hard and strong.
Blog: What are you promoting?
Angelo: Intelligent Design. I am an expert. I was there.
Blog: Thankyou, Angelo. We will see you round then on the blog?
Angelo: Yes, but. Only if I can get past that cursed dog. Ross's dog.


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