Thursday, May 11, 2006

79. Science vs Intelligent Design


What do you think of this??

Edited by John Brockman


Jerry Coyne, Leonard Susskind, Daniel C. Dennett, Nicholas Humphrey, Tim D.
White, Neil H. Shubin, Richard Dawkins, Frank Sulloway, Scott Atran, Steven
Pinker, Lee Smolin, Stuart A. Kauffman, Seth Lloyd, Lisa Randall, Marc D.
Hauser, Scott Sampson

Vintage | Trade Paperback | May 2006
978-0-307-27722-0 (0-307-27722-4) | 272 pages
$14.00/$18.95 (Canada)

Science is the big news. Science is the important story. Science is public
culture....Yet at the same time, religious fundamentalism is on the rise around
the world, and our own virulent domestic version of it, under the rubric of
"intelligent design," by elbowing its way into the classroom abrogates the
divide between church and state that has served this country so well for so
long. Moreover, the intelligent-design (ID) movement imperils American global
dominance in science and in so doing presents the gravest of threats to the
American economy, which is driven by advances in science and in the technology
derived therefrom.

This book - sixteen essays by Edge contributors, all leading scientists from
several disciplines - is a thoughtful response to the bizarre claims made by the
ID movement's advocates, whose only interest in science appears to be to replace
it with beliefs consistent with those of the Middle Ages. School districts
across the country - most notably in Kansas and later in Pennsylvania, where the
antievolutionist tide was turned but undoubtedly not stopped-have been besieged
by demands to "teach the debate," to "present the controversy," when, in
actuality, there is no debate, no controversy. What there is, quite simply, is a
duplicitous public-relations campaign funded by Christian fundamentalist



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6:47 am  
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12:30 pm  

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