Tuesday, August 01, 2006

158. Near death experiences are a reality

Ross Gasking
Channel 7 running this TV program say that a near death experience can never be experimentally replicated.
They say that after interviewing lots of people who have died, that it is anyone's guess whether the light at the end of the tunnel is a phenomenon of the brain closing down ( and so some uniformity might be expected), or is it an actual spiritual experience.
Those who experienced it said the same thing..except it is very real.
They could float around the ceiling level of their hospital rooms and see and hear what was going on, even sit on the bed!
My mother-in-law said the same thing...:she experienced all of this in Intensive Care; the light at the end of the tunnel is a common 'effect' and, the experience is very spiritual and the best they have ever had.
They said the fear of death subsequently is reduced, and can be looked forward to as a positive thing.. the uniting with God.
I shall never be sorry for anyone dying again...!


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