Sunday, August 27, 2006

162. Spirit, Gravity, Light: the answer

Ross Gasking

We looked at The speed of light before...300 000 Km per second, 186 000 miles per second.
And we looked at the speed of spiritual interaction, and my guess is it is "instantaneous" , i.e. it takes no time at all to get right across the universe.
Now hear ye this:Science so far has absolutely no idea how gravity works, so the upshot of that is that any workable theory of how gravity works is as good or better than any scientists theory which doesnt work.
Now it seems fairly likely that the speed of gravity is "instantaneous', also.
Like Spirit.

Would it then be a fair thing to connect the properties of spirit and gravity?
Well, we already made a connection with God and light.
The problem with the speed of light is that, correct me if I am wrong, and you have all the answers, but I question whether light travelling at 300 000kps has had enough time to travel across the universe, let alone the whole of Creation, which if infinite in size would take an eternity to cross.

So I have discussed the concept of the nature of God as being present throughout all his creation, an idea embraced by Panentheists.
This says that God, being present in all His creation, may in fact be a part of it. Indeed may be it. And definitely is a candidate for being the energy of the atom, in my humble opinion.
Remember that 1 kg of matter contains energy to the value of 25 000 million kwh.

Hence I suggest that,. if God IS the universe , then the concept of gravity is as simple as one part of a body working the muscle to another part of a body. So gravity, in kindergarten terms, is like, or is, Gods muscles
That would entirely answer the problem of how gravity can work instantaneously between the sun and Pluto.
And it works for me. In a hundred years time, someone will invent this concept.
Remember you read it here first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you split a quantum particle (i.e., a photon) in two they act as connected twins. As one is affected experimentally, the other one instantaneously shows the same effect, no matter how far apart, which is much faster than the speed of light, and fits your concept of gravity. As a panentheist, I believe God is everything and everywhere.

4:25 am  

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