Thursday, February 01, 2007

163: Heaven, a parallel universe? Or a medium?

There is a lot written under the title of Parallel Universes .
But the writers are quickly diverted to the idea of infinite universes which are much more than parallel.
So while we could have used this term to describe Heaven , Hell, and Earth, it would for my purposes be better to invent a better word. Like....
In its absence, let us look at the concept of television, or a film show.:
An image is generated in your space, your lounge room, by means of great lights and power and the perversion of time.
What you are seeing on TV may have actually been filmed 20 years ago ,say.
Then as you watch it you become very absorbed. In fact you become so absorbed that it becomes your MAIN FOCUS.
Such a focus that the real world becomes less important and the viewd world of the TV becomes paramount.
Watching TV depends on the following:
An event whioch was recorded by a technology.
A broadcasting event.
A person to watch it (you)
Technology to receive it

If we wanted to take a look at Heaven or Hell, we could not unless we had the technology, and the reality of an event to look at.
Now the Bible often refers to Heaven as "up" and Hell as "down".
Does that put the Northern Hemisphere in Heaven and the Southern in Hell?
No.o.o, I have been to both hemispheres. Up is up is up.
Up is perpendicular to our base. So that up from either hemisphere is diametrically opposite.

In my idea of ......universes, each universe exists without reference or interference from the other; BUT they occupy the same space.
One day we expect to inherit the ability to see another universe, or two.
An example was given in the Bible of a man who could look across from Hell to Heaven.
Other examples involve the transfer of a person from one medium to the other, often with spectacular show, shining of the visage, a blinding light.

I think that the concept of rising to Heaven can be encompassed in this idea of changing mediums; changing places.
And like the TV show, we require the :"equipment" to see the showing. We require perhaps a new concept of existence, of timing: a resurrection body in an eternal time frame. Were we to follow the beam of light to its source, the projector , in a picture theatre, we might wonder at seeing the beam with dust rising through it...we only see the beam because of the dust.

And like the TV show, our time is not Gods time. Our ways are not His ways.
The Bible refers to mediums, and in the context of communicating between the Spirit world and our world.
Would you care to guess which is the real world? What is reality?

Do you know, it doesnt take light years to communicate in the Spirit world.
Satan spoke truth when he said to Jesus that if he were to jump off the pinnacle, the ramparts, of the temple, that angels would save him before he hiot the ground.
The angels did not have to come from any great distance, they would be there as required.
"All" they had to do, was to appear from one parallel universe to the other. To change media.

Heaven is here amongst us. It is in us, out of us, around us and through us.
Likewise Hell, maybe?

Heaven is a place, yes. So is Earth. But they are in the same place.
Just a different universe.

Would you like to discuss the molecular structure of that? The more I learn of Science, the more closely I observe God.
It is a beautiful thing.


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