Saturday, May 06, 2006

63. Yeah..write your own funeral

This is a very private email, please dont read on.

My dear sister,
***** thinks I gave you authority to arrange my funeral by authorising harp music.

It is true, as I said, that I would like harp music should such an event occur, but it was in the manner of an illustration that I mentioned it to you.
Also that I tend to motor mouth.
I wanted to learn harp, and bought one, which is now for sale because I am not clever enough.

But in case you thought I was authorising you to arrange my funeral,
please be assured this is not the case

LOL if you please.

In the sad event of my suspected demise, please make enquiries following a sequence of say, 7 days, when I do not publish on this blog. Such a period may indicate a hiccup in my survival. (my demise)

Mind you if we dont arrange our own funeral, write our own obits and eulogy, how are we gonna survive the funeral?
This is a mind numbing process isnt it.

Im sure of this, I dont know who I could trust with my funeral. I am mortified at the thought.

Imagine if you were someone either really important, or with an equally drop dead ego.
Would that person write their own service?
Does the USA President or the Queen look over the arrangements for their own?
OK, can Bush read?

Does Donald Trump have it all spelled out for when the big boss says "you're fired"?

I must talk to Lincoln, could we do a start up about writing/ arranging ones own funeral?


Blogger Ross said...

As a P.S....even if it is not so sad an occasion, harp music would be nice...

10:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....phew! I'm too busy trying to arrange my own life .... and to add some music to that ... to be harping about my death!

Anyway, funerals are really to comfort (or something) those who are left, aren't they, not something that matters very much to those who have passed on?
I expect I shall be oblivious to my funeral ... either I will be in some dormant/sleeplike state awaiting judgement/resurrection or I shall have gone on to better things already and won't care what happens to the empty tabernacle I have left behind. Whatever my loved ones decide to satisfy their own sense of occasion and for their own comfort(and I hope I still have some loved ones by then)...that will be fine by me. After all loved ones are those with whom one has developed a level of approval and trust, huh?

11:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. i don't much care what Trump does about his last trump.

Bush doesn't have to read .. he can dictate the directions for his funeral director.

11:38 pm  

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